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Outdoor Study Group

Lesson 6:

언제 공부 해요?


Alright, this is your last lesson in present tense verbs.  By now, you should be starting to get them. 

So how does this week look?  For our grammar page, we'll be looking at some verbs that are a little more difficult to conjugate, as well as maybe the most important verb: to do, which is an irregular verb.  That means that, once again, most of our vocabulary is verbs.

On Day 3, our practice page, we're going to guide you through a reading.  And the final day, Korean Plus, has another important piece of Korean grammar: the negative.  You'll learn how to say I'm not ~ing and I don't ~.  

What are you waiting for?  Check out the vocab below.

Are you done?  Let's go to DAY 2 to conjugate these verbs! 

Day 1  |  Day 2  |  Day 3  |  Day 4

Outdoor Study Group

*Better on PC!



Present Tense III

Day 2

Alright, the end of your present tense verb conjugation trilogy!  Don't worry, nobody dies in this one.

But we saved the most important verb for last: 하다.  This is a really important one, because it's like the English 'to do': we can add it to various nouns in order to say things like 'do the dishes' and 'do your homework.'  The thing about 하다 is that it's irregular.  The conjugation rule (가다 → 가요) means this should be 하요, but it isn't.  Instead it's 해요.  


Memorize it!

There's one more piece of the puzzle we need to talk about:  Up until today, the verbs you studied all ended in vowels, so it was easy to conjugate.  Today, though, we have some verbs that end in consonants: 먹다, 입다, and 읽다.  Remember our rule:  If the final vowel is ㅏ or ㅗ, we add -아요, if not, -어요.  We don't care about the consonant.  So: 먹+어요, 입+어요, and 읽+어요.  OK?

So here's your little quiz.  Can you remember how to conjugate 좋다 (to be good)?  Think about it, and then check out the answer in spoiler form below (click on the red box).

좋다     좋아요

That's a tough one, eh?  The ㅎ doesn't matter for conjugation.  So, the ㅗ means that we add 아요. (Note: the ㅎ is actually silent in pronunciation.)

Test your understanding in the quiz below.

Got a question about this grammar? Ask below!

Alright, we have a pretty intense reading activity in DAY 3When you're ready, let's get it! 

Day 1  |  Day 2  |  Day 3  |  Day 4


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