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Lesson 2

저는 마이클이에요.

*Better on PC!

*This lesson, and all the Level 1 lessons, assume you can read Hangul (Korean).  If you need help learning, head on over to Level 0: Reading Hangul!



12 words.  No problem, right?  Flashcards are always a useful tool.  See if you can memorize the words with the flashcards below.  Tap the card to turn it over, and tap the word to hear the pronunciation.  (You can also change the settings or tap choose a Study Mode for different ways to learn)

And finally, here's a simple little quiz before you move on to learning your first grammar.  Click the arrow (>) to move on to the next question.

OK, whether you learned 한글 with us or somewhere else, here's your first real lesson.  Are you excited? We are! 

Lesson 2 will cover basic greetings and the Korean version of the verb 'to be':  You'll learn how to say I am / She is / We are / et cetera.  Pretty important!  This is Day 1.  Today we're focusing on vocabulary.  Check it out below.

After you know this vocabulary, move on to DAY 2: Grammar to check out your first Korean grammar rule! 

Day 1  |  Day 2  |  Day 3  |  Day 4

Day 2

Lesson 2 Grammar:

~예요 /~이에요

*Better on PC!


Our first grammar is:


~예요 / ~이에요

 ...and just like I said in the video, it's like our 'be' verb: am / are / is.  So if you think you might want to introduce yourself, or say sentences like 'This is coffee.'  Or, 'Are you Korean?' it's a good one to know.  

As I teach in the video above, which form to use all depends on the final letter of the noun.  If the noun ends in a vowel, use the shortened form '~예요.'  But if it ends in a consonant, use the longer form '~이에요.'  If you don't understand, watch the video again.  I can't explain any better than that!


*What you need to know: 

  • You can only use this with nouns!  So you can't say 저는 hungry예요.  Or 저는 dying이에요.  

  • The endings ~예요 and ~이에요 are actually attached to the nouns.  There's no space in between.

  • You can use this ending for questions too: Just add a little uptick in your voice at the end, and you're golden!


Try your hand at the quiz below.  If this is your first time entering 한글, you need to either download a Korean keyboard to your phone, or find the '한/영' button on your pc keyboard (it's usually the right ALT button.) If you don't have a keyboard with the Korean lettering on it, click the image to the right to pop it up.


Did that last one get you?  Many students have a problem with seeing that last 'ㅇ' as a consonant. 

Got a question about this grammar? Enter it in the comments below.

OK, when you're ready, we can move on to Day 3 to see this rule used in conversation.


Day 1  |  Day 2  |  Day 3  |  Day 4


    Korean Language Institute For Foreigners

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    Jangjeon-dong | Geumjeong-gu 

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